HKWorkoutSession and keeping the app in the foreground

Hi eveyrone,

Does anyone have the HKWorkoutSession working to keep a watch app runnning int he foreground? I have a session starting, and the HKWorkoutSessionDelegate that I have implemented with didChangeToState is returning a state of "Running". I am not getting any errors in the other functions implemented (startWorkoutSession success == true and error == nil, didFailWithError does not fire). But alas, about 2 minutes into not using mt watch, the screen comes up to the normal watchface, not my application.

Any thoughts? Not sure if its time to file a bug report as I am very much a newbie to all of this (learning xcode and swift with these betas, never know when it is my fault or if its really a bug, cause I don't know what I'm doing...) 🙂


I see that another developer seems to be experiencing the same issue (last paragraph):

I'll submit a bug report.

I'm experiencing the same issue.

Any luck with this in beta 2?

Same problem. The app does not remain in the foreground.