App Store Sandbox is warning a consumable in-app purchase has already been bought

I'm having major trouble testing the flow on a consumable in app purchase because the sandbox is telling me it's already been bought and will be restored for free. Any idea what could cause this? (other than it being non consumable, I've checked iTunes Connect about 10 times). Basically the only way for me to test is to keep creating new test iTunes accounts which is no fun 😟

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Another possible reason for getting that warning on a consumable is that you never called finishTransaction on the transaction so the App Store does not realize you already consumed the purchase it.


When you created the IAP you had to select non-consumable or consumable. ITunes Connect thinks you chose non. Create a new IAP and recode using the new productIdentifier.

You might want to move to the In-App Purchaseforum, but when you created that IAP, did you chose to go w/non-consumable?

Have you been able to test ok in the past or is this your first In-App Purchaseapp?

The fact is you already this non-consumable item. And it's never going invalid.