Autolayout not working with Xcode 8 storyboard

Hey, in Xcode 8, autolayout from the IB won't work. I even tried the simplist thing — clicking add all missing contraints and Xcode gives no response. Anyone else?


THe only place I've been able to delete or create constrains is by opening the outline view (left panel). None of the tools in the right side of the tray area seem to be functional (eg update frames, clear constraints, add missing constraints, etc).

It's not working for me either. Even the simplest thing, like trying to horizontally align a label doesn't appear to be working for me.

I'm having issues with xCode 8.0 storyboards. I have several stack views all in a stack view which sits on a scroll view, simple enough. There are four constraints from the scroll view to the supper view: top, bottom, leading, trailing, and four constraints to define the size of the scroll view base on the size of the top level stack view(which contains all other objects); top, bottom, leading, trailing. I have 8 constraints in total. The constants are "standard" for the stack view and "0" for the scroll view. I have four other scenes in this project, developed on early versions of xCode with scroll views and they all work fine. (we are talking well over 90 constraints or more per scene, no problems)

The issues I'm having with xcode 8.0 are:

1) When resized to a larger size in the storyboard, the view does not resized back down to the smaller device (i.e going from iPad to iPad Pro everything resizes to the iPad Pro, but when you go back to the iPad device in the stroyboard it is a train wreck, and then going down to an iPhone it's an even bigger train wreck. The objects on the right can no longer be seen.

2) In the simulator, the scene only works with the device that it was built on. Even thought the storyboard scene for the device looks like crap, after you've gone to a bigger size and back. You run it and all appears well?

3) Another unrelated issue; I'm getting Bogus warnings and cautions of which some go away when you hit run, and some don't.

I don't know if this is just related to the scroll view or if its just an overall disaster?

I don't know if this is just related to the scroll view or if its just an overall disaster?


Seems Xcode 8 further broke what was an already fragile implementation. It's almost if they looked around, decided layouts still weren't completely broken, and took another pass at making things worse.

Don't put more effort into fighting SB/layout windmills - wait and hope for things to improve, instead.

Good luck.