Safari Java Unsafe Mode


Does anyone know how I can select the Java plug-in to run in unsafe mode? The previous version allowed you to select, "run in unsafe mode" in the drop down under plug-in management. The option is no longer there in Safari 10. This is a setting required by some vpn software.




the same problem ,i hava a java plugin need to access local files .

in safari 9, it works fine .but when i upgrade to safari 10 beta 4.

it fails.

and there is no "run in unsafe mode" option to enable it.

Is safari 10 disable the "unsafe mode" or is a bug?

In safari 10 beta,safari->preferences->security->Plug-in Settings,

Press option key on your keyboard and click the three option(Ask,Off,On), you can see additional options in addition to the Ask,Off,On.

Un-check the "Run In Safe Mode" and it run the same as the unsafe mode in older version.

Hope this can help you.

thanks a lot! I find it. by pressing option key.

why this mode is hide?

Does unsafe mode will be disabled in next release version?

but there is no issue in beta version's note.

Glad to hear that. 🙂

Probably hidden because it's... well.. Unsafe... By making you use the option key, it's more of a concious decision and people would be less likely to just select it at random because they saw it there.

I'd present the logic somewhere along the lines of if you know enough to be absolutely sure that you need unsafe mode for a Java process executing from the browser, then you can know enough to use the option key to select it...

Hi, i´m a developer but i don´t have the new version even. It´s still posible unlock the unsafe mode in the stable version?

Thanks and regards!