Build ios app for device on sierra

I try to build ios app for device on sierra but I met build error as below.

error: A cryptographic verification failure has occurred.
*** error: Couldn't codesign /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CodeSignSample-bddhnjftgqciphgglvvnffjcngxi/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ codesign failed with exit code 1

Is any solution?


I have the same problem. I do not have a solution though 😟

I have the same problem. I do not have a solution though

Which version Xcode?

Having the same issue. Any solution for it? I can't believe Xcode 8, macOS and Sierra were released to users with this kind of errors...It was one of the announced features in the presentation and they screwed up the signing process...

I have same problem...

macOS Sierra + XCode 8.0 beta

created new project.

revoked certificates...

Maybe can not make certificate with secret/public key?

Same problem here. I've tried different cables, fresh install of Xcode, restarting everything. I'm eager to try out some of this new stuff! 😢

EDIT: Submited rdar://26875761

I create new project on macOS Sierra and Xcode 8.0 beta. And when try launch it on my iPhone with beta iOS 10.0, I got same error:

error: A cryptographic verification failure has occurred.

If I start application on simulator, is start correct without any error.

I also have the same problem. I do not have a solution either.

The only way I can build an app at the moment is to create a fresh one, since it defaults to ad-hoc signing and building unsigned apps still works. As soon as the Enable Development Signing button is pressed, all subsequent builds fail with the OP's build error. AFAICT there's no way from the IDE to revert to ad-hoc signing, either, so building existing projects is impossible.

Does anyone have a solution or workaround to this problem?

I have the same issue - it works only in the simulator. Consistently fails at the codesign step. Tried just about all the suggestions - nothing has worked so far.

          error: A cryptographic verification failure has occurred.

Or do we have to keep running only in the Simulator (rather than on the device) until a new Beta is available?

Same here. Glad to see it isn't only me. Do we have to wait until a new Beta comes out?

Dan Uff

Same issue. Has anyone come up with a solution?

Now that Beta 2 should be out can somebody confirm that it is working again?

Still not working for me 😟. Same error.

Is that using Xcode 8 Beta 2 along with Sierra Beta 2?

Wow 😟 glad that I had a backup for El Captain

UPDATE: Can confirm that it works with Sierra Beta 2 and Xcode 8 Beta 2 again - tested it on my dev machine