Xcode There was an error communicating with your device.

Hi I am wanting to test a hello world app on my iPad and iPhone.

I get the following error when I try and test it on the ipad "App installation failed:There was an error communicating with your device". However, when i plug in my iphone and hit 'Run' it loads up fine, the simulation also works fine. Can someone please explain why i get this and how to fix it? Also where can I get more info on this error?


Did you answer the Trust this Mac when you attached the iPad? If not, it effectively shuts

down communications between the two devices.

Yeh I have been using it for a while, I can access it using itunes and add/remove music and apps.

Is it connected direct to the Mac, or through a hub?

Have you tried any different cables?

It's a direct usb connection. The cord was new, but i just tried two others and its the same result.

I have encountered same error report when install app with Enterprise Deployment.Can someone please explain why?

Any update on this issue, please advise. I encounter the same issue since last week.

Has this issue been resolved???

I'm having the same problem. I've tried everything from recommendations on stackoverflow to this forum. Nothings working for me. I hope a rep will respond. Thanks.

Meet same problem with Xcode version 9.2 and ipad air IOS11.2

I have tried to reset the network, but it did not help.

I ran into the same issue and

  1. Unpair the device in Xcode.
  2. Clean the project.
  3. Unplug and then restart iPhone.
  4. Restart Xcode.

helps me solve it.

I see in Window -> Device & Simulators this message "To run on this device, please update to a version of Xcode that supports iOS 14.1. You can download Xcode from the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer website."

I use iOS 14.1 and Xcode 11.7.

So after update Xcode everything works well.
You guys I faced this issue and I solve it. My role was developer on AppStore connect and I make it change as an app manager and it works.
Xcode There was an error communicating with your device.