Unwinding a modal VC to root VC in a navigation stack: "Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transition"

I'm trying to use some of the newer unwind stuff introduced in iOS 9.

What I've got is a Navigation Controller based app. The Root VC in the Navigation Controller can push a second View Controller onto the navigation stack, and then that second View Controller will present another View Controller modally. When the user dismisses that View Controller, I want to also pop back to the root VC in the navigation stack in one interaction.

In the Root VC class I've added the "sentinel" method that returns an IBAction and accepts a UIStoryboardSegue parameter, but has no body. Then in the Storyboard I wire up the "Done" button in the modally presented VC to an exit segue to that method.

When I build and run, everything looks fine. The modal view is dismissed and I wind up looking at the root VC. I can go through the steps of push, present, dismiss, over and over again many times. But each pass I see the following logged to the console:

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UIViewController: 0x7ffb38414c60>.

The app seems to work as normal but this message concerns me (in years past in my experience, it often hid a more sinister bug).

As a sidenote, I wasn't at all surprised that the modally presented VC dismissed sort of "automatically" using the simple steps above, it's done that for years, but I was surprised to see that with this small bit of code the root VC would be popped to automatically.


Hello! I have the same problem. Did you find solution?