"This item is currently being modified. Please try again later." - Anyone seen this before?

Hi guys,

For the past few days our users have been reporting that whenever they try to purchase an IAP they get the following error: "This item is currently being modified. Please try again later. [OK]"

Now nothing changed from our end as far as we know, IAP has been working up until 3 days ago and all of a sudden this error keeps popping up.

Has anyone else encountered this problem before? How did you go about fixing it? Thanks in advance!

Additional Note: We tested the app and IAP in sandbox env and everything works... We tried everything we could think of but to no avail. Any help will be greatly appreciated guys.

Not new, apparently the backend is taking it's time propagating the new info and only time and patience will right the ship.

Hi There,

we have also received a support request from an Mexican user that he is unable to make an in-app purchase for the last couple of dasy and receives the same message(s):

1) Part of an error message which comes from StoreKit: Purchase of this item is not currently available.

2) Alert message from iOS: This item is currently being modified. Please try again later

I advised the user to contact Apple support.


We have not changed anything for the last eight weeks since our latest version is online.

We do not produce these error messages.

The in-app-purchase works over here in Germany I can see (iTC: Sales and Trends) that others users can perform in-app-purchases.

I opened a radar and a account replated ticket.

If I know more I will let you know, otherwise please let us know your solution.

Thank you

Hi KK_iOS and moschous,

Glad to hear that we're not alone in this.

We are still struggling with this issue and have not found a solution yet. We just received an Apple response for our ticket but it was not useful as we were told to contact iTunes Customer Support. I have replied them saying that we have done that but that was no help as well, and that the problem seems to lie within the app itself and not individual users.

Anyways, I will keep this thread updated. And anyone else who managed to resolve this please share as well.


Has anyone had a resolution with this - we are experiencing the same issue - but have not had a helpful response from Apple.

Thanks for anyupdate...Jules

I am having users say they can't buy my app bundle because of this message.. she said it's been going on for 3 days and we haven't updated versions or chaned anything. SOOOO frustrating because developer support says to have the user contact iTunes support, but they summarily blame the developer which of course it is not on our end.

I got answer from the account related opened ticket. The Apple Developer Technical Support can't/won't help.

They posted the following message to me:


Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS). We provide support for code-level questions on hardware & software development, and are unable to help you with your question.

For questions regarding iTunes Connect, we recommend that you first check the iTunes Connect Developer guide.


If you are not able to find the information you need in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide and you are still not able to resolve your issue, please direct your inquiry through the iTunes Connect Contact Us system:


Submitting an inquiry through the iTC Contact Us system will expedite your response time from the proper Apple representative.

If you are unable to login to the iTunes Connect Contact Us system, you may instead send an email to <itunesconnect@apple.com> or contact them by phone. 
iTunes Connect Telephone Support is available Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PT):

Country: U.S. and Canada

Language: English

Phone: +1 (800) 633-2152

Notes: Toll-free from the U.S. and Canada.

Country: Other

Language: English

Phone: +1 (408) 974-4897

Notes: International charges may apply.

When contacting the iTunes Connect Team, be sure to mention that you were referred by DTS.

Note that some issues with iTunes Connect are transient, and may resolved by waiting a few hours and trying again later.

Fyi, I got an answer from iTunesConnect contact us service team. They want to know from the user who reported the problem, what the provided solution from Apple support was and any other information for getting the in-app purchase problem.

That was all what they wanted know now. They have not had any advise nor update on the problem.

This is an issue that has been hurting our IAP revenue for over a week now. Apple refers our customers back to us claiming it's a developer issue. It's not. We haven't changed a single setting in iTC that would cause propagation issues.

After some experimentation, here's what has worked for us:

  1. Go into iTC's Features for your app
  2. Re-set your IAP price and availability
  3. Save
  4. Tell customer to give it a few hours and that they may need to reinstall the app

This seems to be happening more around prime time (5pm - 8pm EST). The above solution has worked for 3 out of 4 customers that have contacted us about the error. It's just unfortunate that we don't know if our solution works or the error just happened to go away when they tried again.

A couple of days ago I contacted the user who experienced this issue by e-mail and put Apple on cc. The user has not yet replied on this. I am pretty sure that I lost him as potential customer.

I have no idea how many customers I am loosing due to the issue too. I have written to iTC again what to do next.

I keep you posted here...

We are still experiencing this issue with a customer from South Africa. Sales trends show the IAP are working fine in other territories. I dont' have enough South African customers to know if this issue is affecting everyone in South Africa.

Similar to what KK_iOS has reported, our user is unable to make an in-app purchase for the past 11 days and receives the errors:

  • Purchase of this item is not currently available
  • This item is currently being modified. Please try again later

The user contact Apple support and they told him that the error was with the developer. That is when the user contacted us.

We have not changed anything on this app or its IAP in at least 6 months.

The in-app-purchase works fine for our various other apps. The error occurrs on this one app, only in South Africa.

This issue seems to crop up whenever Apple updates In-App Purchase prices, e.g. for foreign exchange fluctuations. Our users reported the error on the most recent change (Canadian store) and on the one last October (Australian store). Even our US users experienced sudden issues (SKProductsResponse with invalidProductIdentifiers present) with fetching the IAP products from Apple's servers on the last change.

It's entirely on Apple's infrastructure, so as a developer it doesn't appear there's a fix beyond submitting tickets to Apple Support. Hopefully they plan on improving the process because there's always a noticable dip in revenue when this happens.

Yeah, we came to that conclusion too. Most of our complaints are coming form Canada. Today we tried changing our app price to see if that might re-****** things back to a working state. We changed from $1.99 to $2.99, then back to $1.99 a few hours later. So far one person has reported the problem has gone away. I'll report back I hear from more customers.

OK, I finally think we got to the bottom of this. One of my customers was in NZ, one in CA, so definitely this is caused by the pricing tier changes and the OLD pricing getting cached in the user's iPad. I had a user say he saw it at one price and could NOT purchase (getting the modified error). Then he restarted his iPad, tried again and the price had gone up and he was able to succesfully purchase. So it seems like as long as the wrong price is showing, iTunes will not allow the purchase to go through.

Also, I spoke with developer support today and they ARE aware of this problem and are working on it. In the meantime, a simple restart will hopefully fix this for your customers as well.

After days searching what/where things were going wrong, I definitely found my problem to be tied with the recent pricing changes on some countries (CA in my case). For people desperately hunting this issue, start by resubmitting "unchanged" IAPs (start with 1 for testing), just pick the same tier and validate. It won't hurt those with no problem and will hopefully fix the issue for the others. Wait a couple of hours to see a fix.

If I'd been active on the list, I'd have responded. The message occurs when the in app purchase is attempted for a store where tier prices are under adjustment. In some cases, the databases used byt StoreKit haven't been synchronized to the same pricing and so the addPayment function results in a failed transaction with the described alert. This is an issue which has to be fixed by iTunesConnect.

The best way to handle this is to submit a bug report - http://bugreport.apple.com - please include the application ID and the country iTunes Store the problem occurred under, how to find the in app purchase item in the app, and which item was purchased. Send me the bug report number and I'll forward it on to IPS.

rich kubota - rkubota@apple.com

developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

Thank you for the response Rich, I've send you the requested information.

Thank you very much Rich, that you forwarded the bug report entry to the right person.

Last night I got the confirmation from the bug tracker that the issue is resolved (I assume at least in my case but I don't know if this confirmation covers all instances).

Sent you the email with bug report no. 30135995

Just got my iPhone X in, everything was uploaded without issue. One thing was "Purchase of this item not available" kept popping up, driving me insane!

Just got off the phone with Apple and the fix was super easy.



Icloud backup

More than likely, itll say that its currently restoring.

Click "Stop backup" and BOOM! issue resolved.

Basically, your phone is trying to restore certain apps that are either no longer available, or not compatiable with your X. And when you restore at a later time, good news is it'll base it off your current settings.

Wow, thank you! I had the exact same Issue with the iPhone X and was on the phone with Apple support for over an hour yesterday and they weren’t able to figure it out.

Thank you Jentlemaan...exact same problem on my X, was driving me nuts. All seems to be good now.

Same here....iPhone X periodically popping up this message and blocking all other actions. Sure enough, my phone was still restoring. I stopped it. Hopefully that will stop the madness!

thank you for posting the solution!

Thank you for posting the solution.

I am getting the message and my phone is done restoring. Hope Apple care can help! Any ideas? Thx

Yes had this issue today with this message popping up through the day . Read the. Forum and saw no fixes . I️ went to reset all settings and it worked have not seen the message and can purchase with no issues . I’m no tech person by any stretch but it seemed like an easy thing to do and it has resolved it for me .

"This item is currently being modified. Please try again later." - Anyone seen this before?