passbook in wallet is not updated

i try to implement passbook/wallet to our ticketshop.

so far i can add passes to my iphone, they show up in wallet. i get notification on the homescreen when time and/or location is reached.

i have setup a webservice on my server. registration of passes work. i can see them in my database.

my webservice will register, list serials, get lastversion, delete and logs

manual update of a pass works in wallet. but what i don't get to work is the automatic update via apple push notification.

here is what i do:

i send a message to apns with the pushToken. i then see my iphone do a call to


my webservice will answer this call with a list of passes registered with my device, eg:

{ lastUpdate: '1451489425', serialNumbers: ['1ee57da447f8656d4d631f14b00d8ed2','abcdefg447f8656d4d631f14b00d8ed2' ]}

in this example i have two different passes on my iphone. they have different authTokens, serials.

so my iphone seems to ghet the serials of the passes but then nothing is happening any more...

lastUpdate is just a timestamp when the call was performed, right? i do not see the parameter


as far as i thought, now should my iphone/wallet check for updates. but i do not see any call to:


what is wrong? when does wallet gets the latest version? are the headers important? at the moment i just would send a new pkpass-file to my iphone when the webservice would be/is called. i do not send a 304 or last-modified-since value. the update is a manual task. update pass.json with changeMessage, generate pkpass-file, call the apns and wait...

i do not see any error-logs, my webservice is not called with /log for error logging.

thank you



I have fixed the json response to get serial numbers

so now my passes get updated and i see the message in the homescreen.

one question: i found a post about the format of serial numbers

{ "lastUpdate": "1451489425", "serialNumbers": ["1ee57da447f8656d4d631f14b00d8ed2","abcdefg447f8656d4d631f14b00d8ed2" ]}

serial numbers is a array of strings. so "abcdefg..." would be ok. does wallet/passbook treat a serial number like "1ee57..." as string or number? do i have to put some more quotes around this serial number, like "'1ee57...'"


Dear Markus42,

I am PHP programmer and having problem with sending push notification to device to update my pass. Could you please give me a hint? or if possible, please share the code. (My email, skype: limparty)

Thanks in advanced


Please start your own thread rather than tagging someone else's - in general its considered a bit rude to add to an unrelated thread with your own question, and frankly its a bit self defeating, because it hides your issue with that of the original poster, making it harder for anyone to realize you have a totally different (PHP) question.

Hi Markus,

Have your problem got resolved? are you getting push notification on iphone?



I have same issue .

I have send notification to device and device respomd me . but on server side I am not getting any authentication header and what shoul I do for send updated pass to device ?

any help will really really appreciated.

Hi markus,

I have exactly the same problem as you! After Wallet called for serial numbers, no more calls from Wallet to get the Pass.

You said you have fixed the json response to get serial numbers. How did you fix it? Can you please post a solution?

Thanks so much in advance!!