Customers can't download app on iOS7, 8 and iTunes (404 error) - works on iOS 9.

Hi everyone,

The App I'm talking about is available since October the 23rd.

It is set to be availble in all countries and it's a free app.

Download on iOS 9.1 AppStore goes fine (any hardware).

Download on iOS 7.x, 8.x fails (iPhone 4S, 5S and 6). After taping on [GET] button, an error message pops up :

"Cannot download" (Retry)

Back to the springboard, the app icon is greyed.

Download on iTunes (latest) fails and we get more details

In the download manager window we read stopped (err = 404)

and an error pops up after a few seconds :

I've been publishing app without facing any issue recently, but this time it seems the file is simply not there. Anyone has faced this issue already? Any hint on how to solve that?




Hi. I am having the same problem with my apps (latest update released 27 Oct 2015). Apple phone support is currently closed here and chat support couldn't help. Waiting on email reply now. Have you had any luck?

Unfortunately no luck for now. Thanks for keeping us posted!

In the meantime I have send a new release for validation (not really what I wanted but the app needs to be available asap... on all platforms).

Is this like the error you are getting in iTunes?

We have been having this issue for nearly a week, and I just got it to install on a iOS 9.1 iPad. We noticed in the URL is the phrase "pre-thinned", could this be related to the issue of not being able to download it on iTunes or older devices? In our app we have done nothing to enable or disable thinning, other than turning off Bitcode. Is there something else we should be doing to properly disable thinning?

Same here, I notice "pre-thinned". Error message:

Not sure it's related to being able to simply download on iTunes. On my side I did not try to disable thinning and I'v been publishing other similar apps without facing any issue recently.

My app has been fixed. Not sure how.

We contacted Apple support via several different methods as I wasn't sure exactly who to contact about this. Several of them replied saying they were unable to help and to try somewhere else.

I had just finished uploading a new update and was planning to request expedition when the app started working again last night.

Still no reply from anyone saying they have fixed it for me.

We have 200,000+ paid users, many of which had contacted us and Apple about it, maybe one of them was successful.

Some of them told me that they were told it was a fault on my end. If so I would really like to find out exactly what it is before my next release.

ps. This update was a very minor bug fix from one released a week earlier. Only changed a few lines of code.

The previous version worked fine. I had not done any software updates in this time, though an update for XCode was released during this period.

Maybe updating that will help with future updates.

Not sure about the BitThinning.

My app has BitCode disabled in the project (from memory i think this was because it uses Google+ api)

But in iTunesConnect I have not dissabled Bitcode Auto-Recompilation (under Pricing and Availability) and was wondering if maybe I should have.

Though I do plan to reenable BitCode asap

Any other tips? We're getting the same issue right now too. App just came out yesterday and people already complaining they can't download.

It works here since a few hours. Approximatively at the same time it did with Kliff.

I'm in the exact same situation as Kliff, and I unfortunately have no clue on what fixed the issue yakand. I would suggest you already submit a new app version in the meantime...

Has anyone found the cause of this issue or sent off a new release since having it?

I have a new update ready to release and really want to know if I have to do anything to avoid it again or if it was just a one off glitch.

My 4.5 star app now has many 1 stars because of this 😠

I have posted a new app since and it went fine (not an app update). The new app had pretty similar architecture and I didn't change anything on BitCode.

So it looks good, but cannot tell if it's 100% fixed!

We're experiencing the same issue described here with the initial release of our app (made available on November 5th, 2015). Our deployment target is 8.0 and we have bitcode disabled, but the app fails to even start downloading from iTunes or from any version of iOS 8.

Given the "pre-thinned" component of the URL that iTunes displays on error, and the spontaneous resolution reported by other developers who experienced this issue, this smells to me like an App Store bug related to App Thinning.

So far, there has been no activity on the bug report that I created almost a week ago. Very frustrating for us and our customers.


We were able to resolve this issue by calling Apple Developer Program support.

We're seeing a similar problem today, on a mini running 9.0.2, but not on a Pro running 9.1. We're also seeing issues where we are not getting the correct version of our app, but instead getting an earlier build, on the iPad mini running 8.x.

My new update worked fine.

Not much difference in the code just a minor bug fix.

I did update to the latest version of Yosemite and XCode

IMO the problem was on Apples end since the error was 404 (missing the ipa file), which they tested so obviously recieved correctly. It just didnt copy to the distribution server correctly after they approved it.

Hopefully it doesnt happen again

I sometimes find iTunes downloads an old version sometimes too. then I have to click Update straight away.

As far as I can tell it is only 1 of my devices. An old iPod running iOS6

Im not sure why this is as I havent bothered to do any investigation.

Just guessing... maybe If you had an old version on the device but deleted it, it restores that version along with your cloud files so it can upgrade incase the old synced files need to be modified/upgraded to work with your new version.

If anyone has a propper answer I would be interested in hearing but maybe that is for a different thread