Adding a 167px iPad Pro application icon to my asset catalog

From the Human Interface Guidelines:

App icon (required for all apps)

iPad Pro (@2x)

167 x 167

Xcode version 7.1 beta 3 (7B85) does not include a slot in the AppIcon asset catalog template for this icon.


Is this expected to be addressed before the iPad Pro ships, or should I include the application icon the "old-fashioned" way?


Since you're biasing release instructions onto a pre-release tool set, I'd say, yes, wait for later.

Now that Xcode 7.1 is out, we can safely say that there's still no asset catalog placeholder for iPad Pro specific icons. 😟

@Apple, please let us know how to handle iPad Pro app icons.


We adopted asset catalogs for providing the AppIcon many releases ago.

To stop using them in order to support the latest devices is a regression.


also having this issue... isn't asset catalogs the official best practice to add app icons?

I can't see a way to add one either, which seems a puzzling ommision. Did you find a way to do it?

Xcode 7.2 beta 2 is out and still no iPad Pro information in the asset catalog.

@Apple can you please let us know?

I don't agree with you Jim, I don't think it's a regression, I think it's a step up. I like what they did with the iPad Pro storyboard launch screen. Essentially fit 1 UIImageVIew for iPad Pro and then for all iOS 8 and iOS 9 devices whether their iPhone or iPad, auto layout will fit the launch images as needed. That's great, saves me a lot of work on not having to create and use different size launches in Image.xassets file.

I'm currently using Xcode 7.1 and I don't know where to place the App Icon for iPad Pro since in Image.xassets there is no space for iPad Pro sizes and there is no other information on it like a App Icon file or something, I don't know. Do you know?


Have you found out what t odo? I just 2 days ago upgraded to Xcode 7.1 and I don't kno what to do with App Icon for iPad Pro. Where do they go?

Hey Can you please elaborate on "auto layout will fit the launch images as needed."

I am facing a problem where the images set in launch screen are mainly for iPad potrait and they are not looking good in landscape. I don't find a place where I can set an image for landscape ?

Your reply would be much appreciated . Thanks.


I had the same problem, resolved it by doing the following:

1) Create your 167 pixels icon (PNG File) using any photo-editing software (I use Photoshop)

2) From XCODE, goto your project,

3) Open "Images.xcassets" this should display all your icons with the empty frame showing no image for the PRO device.

4) Select the Attribute Inspector from the right-hand-menu (this is the top right icon that looks like a hammer drill, i.e. an almost-square pointing down with)

5) This should display your "AppIcon" name,

6) Select the -> arrow next to it, this should open up all the images in Finder

7) Manually copy the file (from step-1) into this folder.

8) Go back into XCODE, you should now see the new image under "Un-Assigned" images

9) Drag the image into the PRO/Icon box, it should register there.

Good luck, let me know how it goes


Heider Sati

I got the 167x167 icon into the Icon-iPadPro under AppIcon, and the app always "validates", but I keep getting an error message that the 167 icon is not there when trying the upload. I then expanded the entries in Icon-iPadPro to include 1x 2x 3x (universal) and 1x 2x (iPad) icons (at 167x167) with the same result. Where is the upload looking for the 167 icon?

Always use caution when interpreting errors/warnings...

Keep in mind that 'not there' can also mean 'not found because...' - it can be in the correct location, but the path incorrect and/or the name is wrong, etc. As an example, some devs get creative with their asset catalog location, not realizing that Xcode expects in a specified path.

Don't juggle image names within Xcode - if you have to rename, remove the asset from the project, rename in the Finder, then add it back. To complete that process, use Xcode's Product menu, then, with the option key pressed, select 'Clean Build Folder'. Confirm no errors in the navigator and go again.

So to answer your question, the submittal process looks in the defualt location. If you've gotten creative and need an example, make a new test project, enable asset catalogs, and sniff that path.

Also note that as of Xcode 7.2, there should be an iPP icon 'well' in project/general/app icons and launch images.

Asset Catalog Help: