Trouble submitting to iTunes - ITMS-90471

Trying to submit a tvOS build of an app I'm working on, and I'm getting the following error:

ERROR ITMS-90471: "Missing Image Asset. Your app is missing the Large App Icon asset 'App Icon - Small' in 'Payload/'."

Confused on what it thinks is missing? Large or small? Either way I have all the assets setup in the Assets.xcassets, 'App Icon - Large', 'App Icon - Small', 'Top Shelf Image', and 'LaunchImage'.

Any thoughts to what's going on?



Accepted Reply

I think I got this figured out. Either it wasn't happy about my large icon missing the same layers my small one had, or there was some issue with one of the layers not being tvos specific. Not sure which it was, but now it's submitting.



Are the roles set? Do you see "primary-app-icon" for "role" in 'App Icon & Top Shelf Image.brandassets/Contents.json' ?

Wow, talk about forked ******...

'Large' icon, used by the app store, is something you contribute via meta data when submitting your app, not something buried in an assets catalog/part of your binary/deliverable (no clue why the small reference in that case, tho).

I'd start by checking it, first.

>'Large' icon, used by the app store, is something you contribute via meta data when submitting your app, not something buried in an assets...

Are you sure about that?

DemoBots sample has it in the bundle's assets. (1280x768 imagestack, with role "primary-app-icon".)

I think iTunes connect takes this from the bundle, for store use?


I submitted my game yesterday and the only images I was aked to put on the AppStore website was screenshoots.

I think that the icons in the assets is it for the icons.

I think I got this figured out. Either it wasn't happy about my large icon missing the same layers my small one had, or there was some issue with one of the layers not being tvos specific. Not sure which it was, but now it's submitting.


Having the same issue here, what do you mean by "tvOS specific"?

I have all roles set right and no layers missing and still get the same error.