Custom control development related technical support required with swift language.

I have created a custom view with multiple views from ui catalogs, and created IBOutlets & IBActions to use them in my custom view swift class. But when i use this view in storyboard and right-click on it it shows all IBOutlets & IBActions on this view, i want to hide these IBOutlets & IBActions from storyboard only, and want to show some of IBOutlets like delegates.

1.) I have created a custom view with `nib` file in Swift. I have created some `IBOutlets` & `IBActions` in my custom view.

2.) I tried to use this custom view by assigning class name to a `UIView` in my storyboard.

3.) it shows all IBOutlets of custom view in storyboard when i right click on the view, i want them to be hidden, and only show some IBOutlets like delegate.

4.) Please provide any solution out there, as of now i have utilized a trick and i am not creating outlets instead i am using my subviews using viewWithTag method.


any luck here? I'd like to be able to do the same