Xcode 11.4: Target Integrity Issue: "Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'X.framework' was built for iOS Simulator."

Our organization distributes pre-compiled dynamic frameworks using the method which we understood to be previously cannoical prior to Xcode 11.4. That is to say we use the method Apple provided to us in 2017 titled "Technical Q&A QA1768 Building & Using Pre-Compiled Frameworks For Simulators and Devices.pdf". To summarize that approach, it involved building two pre-compiled frameworks, one for device and one for simulator, and then having the correct one used at runtime. The latter involved modifying "Other Linker Flags" to select only the framework which should be used depending on how "Any iOS Simulator SDK" and "Any iOS SDK" were set, and adding a new run script phase to the Build Phases which strips out the simulator slices from device builds.

When moving to Xcode 11.4, we now encounter the error:

"Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'X.framework' was built for iOS Simulator."

We understand that migrating to XCFramework is one way to solve this problem. For those people who wish (or need) to continue for now to use earlier versions of the pre-compiled frameworks build as dynamic frameworks, what can be changed in the project settings to overcome this error?