Access @IBOutlet from a class in a framework

Hi!, I'm currently dealing with the following issue, is pretty annoying.

I have an UITableViewCell class (i will call it LabelTableViewCell):

// LabelTableViewCell.swift
open class LabelTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
     @IBOutlet public weak var label: UILabel!
     @IBOutlet public weak var textView: UITextView!

This class i on a framework that my app is using. Everything is fine, in code i can see the framework and even use the LabelTableViewCell. The problem comes when i try to override LabelTableViewCell in my app project. The xib of the subclass don't see the @IBOutlets that are defined in LabelTableViewCell.

There is any way to fix this? there is any way to bypass it?. I need to connect these IBOutlets in my subclassed xib to change some appareance.



i try to override LabelTableViewCell

What do you mean by overriding ?

Do you mean subclass ?

The xib of the subclass don't see the @IBOutlets that are defined in LabelTableViewCell.

Do you create a subClass and a xib ? Or do you try to reuse the xib of the superclass ?

Could you show the full code of the subclass ?

Yes, i Mean to subclass it and i create the .swift & .xib files.

this is a short version of the super class.

open class SimpleTableViewCell : UITableViewCell {
    @IBOutlet public weak var stackView: UIStackView!
    @IBOutlet public weak var label: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet public weak var valueTextField: DropDownTextField!

    public var willUpdate: (() -> Void)?
    public var didUpdate: (() -> Void)?
    public weak var parentViewController: UIViewController?

The class for the subclass is something like this for now:

open class DetailedSimpleLabelPickerCell : SimpleTableViewCell {    
    public var color: UIColor?

Do you create a specific xib for DetailedSimpleLabelPickerCell ?

How do you register the cells ?

You wrote:

The xib of the subclass don't see the @IBOutlets that are defined in LabelTableViewCell.

subclass is DetailedSimpleLabelPickerCell ?

You do not see where ? In IB canvas ? In code ?

Could you show the code where you fail to access ?

This should work (at least compile):

class DetailedSimpleLabelPickerCell : SimpleTableViewCell {

    override func awakeFromNib() {
        let x = self.label