In-App Purchase is not available on Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst

My In-App Purchase code runs normally on iOS and iPadOS, and can be purchased. However, the app built by Mac Catalyst cannot obtain price or purchase on macOS, and Xcode does not report an error. My app runs normally except In-App Purchase.

What should I do?Who can give me some advice?



Not that I can help you with this, except to say that there's others reporting the same issue, just using non-Apple channels to do so.

Check out

Same issue on macOS 10.15.4, on previous version 10.15.3 in-app purchases load as expected. SKProductsRequestDelegate methods not called.

One significant change is that the SKProductsRequest delegate didReceiveResponse method is being called off the main queue so if you want to display something in that method you need to place it in:

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        //   and code that displays on the screen must be placed here


Thank you for replying to me, but I want to know what I should do.

Thank you for replying to me, but I want to know how to complete the In-App Purchase, not the UI.

Thank you for replying to me, but I can't find about In-App Purchase.