How do I change enrollment name?

Hello everyone! I was attempting to purchase the Apple Developer Memership but I can't use my credit card right now, so I used my dad's. The problem is, I put the enrollment legal name as my name, but the credit card holder name as my dad's name, so they don't match. Apple apparently hates this, so is there any way to change my Enrollment name? If I change it to my dad's name, will his name appear in the App Store instead of mine? I'm currently cornered from all sides, so any input would be greatly appreciated.



The name used to register the account will be the name shown in the store. If you want your name there, you can either wait until you can have your own account, or go ahead now and then when you do have your own account, transfer your apps from one to the other.

My advice is to use the 'contact us' link below, choosing Membership and Account > Program Enrollment and talk to support to work this out if you're already into an account purchase.

>cornered from all sides

The process isn't designed to acomodate under-age applications, because legal. That said, this is only the beginning. If you feel cornered just trying to get registered, your head will explode before you ever get near the store. Best to settle down, be patient and get used to complicated processes.

Good luck.
