There are one or more errors on the page.

I tried to update my app description today and got the error message "There are one or more errors on the page." Did any one experience the same issue?


yep; everything was fine up until 5p or 6p eastern then bam! "One or more errors on page". This morning I can't get iTunes connect to come up at all (at 8:15a)


I am experiencing the same issue. Probably related to this:

any solution? anyone?

Itunesconnect was unstable yesterday. It has been up and down. However as of today, it seems to be working as usual. Just successfully queued my app update for review recently.

I have the same issue. No idea why yet. Have you found any solutions?

Seems to be a similar issue as described here:

Yes, that's exactly what happening to me. I do have my app localized to dutch as well and this is causing iTunnes Connect to crash appearently. Have you heard any news from Apple yet?

I cannot change anything because of this for 2 days straight (

I still have this issue, someone told me it caused by the screenshot or the pricing,but I have all of these two correct.

Any one can give me some advise?

The same error "There are one or more errors on the page." Removed the screen shots an added them again.

Solution for me: check "Automatically release this version"