WKWebview, what is the point of the "Hide Link Previews"/"Show Link Previews" UIMenuElement in suggestedActions of UIContextMenuConfiguration?

So, using the new api to do the "peek/pop" like stuff on iOS 13:

completionHandler:(void (^)(UIContextMenuConfiguration * _Nullable configuration))completionHandler
  NSURL *theURL = elementInfo.linkURL;
   if (theURL != nil)
         UIContextMenuConfiguration *config = [UIContextMenuConfiguration configurationWithIdentifier:nil
                                                                                     previewProvider:^UIViewController * _Nullable
            SomeVC *vc = //yada yada…make a vc.
            return vc;
        actionProvider:^UIMenu *_Nullable(NSArray<UIMenuElement*>* _Nonnull suggestedActions)
            UIMenu *menu = [UIMenu menuWithTitle:@"" children:suggestedActions];
            return menu;


In the array of suggestedActions passed to the actionProvider block there is an action that says "Hide Link Previews". If I tap it, then take an action to show another context menu again, the next time the menu is shown the title changes to "Show Link Preview."

This "toggle" doesn't seem to do anything. My guess would be clicking "Hide Link Previews" is supposed to tell the web view to save a preference to not show a preview (so ignore the view controller returned in the previewProvider block) but it doesn't do that. It appears to do nothing?