Good day,
A developper of ours accidently updated to Catalina. They need Network Link Conditioner to do some tests, however, the latest verion doesn't seem to work. It installed but gives the error "Could not load Network Link Conditioner preference pane."
Any ways to make it work or we're stuck on waiting for an update or wiping and reinstalling Mojave?
At this point, I should ask what you've already done to troubleshoot, but hey...
Try this:
- Remove any currently installed Network Link Conditioner preference panes (right-click it in the System Preferences window for the option to remove)
- Using the Finder, check for a file named Network Link Conditioner.prefPane in either /Library/PreferencePanes/ or ~/Library/PreferencePanes/;
Just for grins, do a 'get info' on that file and check it's version...v2.0?
- delete/move to trash by hand
- Empty the trash
- Restart the Mac - check System Prefs to confirm the NLC pane is gone
- Finally, re-install NLC from the link/DMG above (might want to trash any similar by name and re-download to avoid confusion, etc.) and see if it works
Good luck.