How can I make always active app?

I need create app that will not freezed after my wrist turns back. Now any app will sent to background if you turn your wrist back or wait 15 seconds for display auto blocking. As example, the Siri not deactivates when turn wrist. So may be exist some soft methods for create same, always on, app?


Back a few eyars ago the only way to do this was to start your own HKWorkoutSession. Things may be different now.

This works:

        HKWorkoutConfiguration *configuration = [[HKWorkoutConfiguration alloc] init];
        configuration.activityType = HKWorkoutActivityTypeSwimming;
        NSError *error = nil;
        hKSession = [[HKWorkoutSession alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration error:&error];

Is it important to remain 'always on', or would you settle for your watch app to be able to schedule and perform background tasks?