Application Rejected PLA 3.3.12

Hi everyone, I am new in the forum, and I have lot of problem to understant Apple and there way very confusing in communication.

I resently have problem with multiple app who has been rejected. I have all the Iphone version running in app store, but all my IPad version has been rejected. I double check everything and I can't see what can I do for make Apple happy.

Below a copy of the coding i use for iAd and the letter Apple send me.

import UIKit
import iAd
class Home: UIViewController, ADBannerViewDelegate {
        @IBOutlet weak var adBannerView: ADBannerView?
    @IBOutlet weak var reset: UILabel!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.canDisplayBannerAds = true
        self.adBannerView?.delegate = self
        self.adBannerView?.hidden = true

   func bannerViewDidLoadAd(banner: ADBannerView!) {
        self.adBannerView?.hidden = false
    func bannerViewActionShouldBegin(banner: ADBannerView!, willLeaveApplication willLeave: Bool) -> Bool {
        return true
    func bannerView(banner: ADBannerView!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: NSError!) {
        self.adBannerView?.hidden = true

"PLA 3.3.12

We found that your app uses the iOS Advertising Identifier but does not include ad functionality. This does not comply with the terms of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, section 3.3.12 of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement states:

"You and Your Applications (and any third party with whom you have contracted to serve advertising) may use the Advertising Identifier, and any information obtained through the use of the Advertising Identifier, only for the purpose of serving advertising. If a user resets the Advertising Identifier, then You agree not to combine, correlate, link or otherwise associate, either directly or indirectly, the prior Advertising Identifier and any derived information with the reset Advertising Identifier."

Note: iAd does not use the AdSupport framework, ASIdentifierManager, or the Advertising Identifier. Therefore they are not required for iAd implementations and should not be included in your app for iAd support.

If your app is serving ads, please:

- Ensure that you have tested your app on a device, not just the simulator, and that you have removed all previous versions of your app prior to testing

- Provide us the steps to locate ads in your app

If your app does not serve ads, please check your code - including any third-party libraries - to remove any instances of:

class: ASIdentifierManager

selector: advertisingIdentifier

framework: AdSupport.framework

If you are planning to incorporate ads in a future version, please remove the Advertising Identifier from your app until you have included ad functionality.

To help locate the Advertising Identifier, use the “nm” tool. For information on the “nm” tool, please see the nm man page.

If you do not have access to the libraries' source, you may be able to search the compiled binary using the "strings" or "otool" command line tools. The "strings" tool lists the methods that the library calls, and "otool -ov" will list the Objective-C class structures and their defined methods. These techniques can help you narrow down where the problematic code resides."

Thank you for your help


Answered by joshk in 32836022


You should only need

self.canDisplayBannerAds = true

Setting up the delegates and managing the hidden property are not necessary. Please give this a try. The "You're Connect to iAd" banner should appear if all works as expected, not only the badge in the corner.

On the rejection, it appears that you are using the Advetiser ID or IDFA in the app. Note that if you are using iAd only, the Advertiser ID is not required. Please see details in the notice on proper steps to find usage.


Do test ads display properly when using your iPad version on a device?

I Did fund a missing code in one view of one app. The consequence was the ad wasn't appearing at all.

Re-checking all the coding on the other app and reload it the application in my Ipad, I had this time a bug in my banner. We can see only half way up of the banner and take only 3/4 width of the screen. When I reload the version I send to apple it doesn't happen?!

Don't know how to fixe the issue? Delete all banner and replace it?!

Before this issue happen I had some time a blanc banner ( Not blue with "You're Connected to iAd. just the little iAd in the badom right corner. Doesn't mean my banner doesn't work proprely?

This is the only problem I can fund.


Accepted Answer


You should only need

self.canDisplayBannerAds = true

Setting up the delegates and managing the hidden property are not necessary. Please give this a try. The "You're Connect to iAd" banner should appear if all works as expected, not only the badge in the corner.

On the rejection, it appears that you are using the Advetiser ID or IDFA in the app. Note that if you are using iAd only, the Advertiser ID is not required. Please see details in the notice on proper steps to find usage.


Hi Josh,

Thank you very much for all the tips. i did every thing you said and checked in my device, everything look good on my side, so let cross fingers and hope that work this time! I will let you know what soon the review is done.

Thank again.


Thank you joshk, My app has just been aprouved.



best time ever in review, 6 days only.

Application Rejected PLA 3.3.12