Dynamic Type On UITableViewCells Stops Working on iOS 13.

UITableView no longer automatically is adjusting the font size of a "basic" table view cell in response to dynamic type changes. This previously was working in iOS 12.

I see no mention of a change in behavior in the iOS 13 release notes. Let me know if anyone has any information on this. Is this an intended change? Is this a bug?


Just tested a stock UITableViewController with a right detail cell style. iOS 12 table view responds to dynamic type changes. iOS 13 does not.

Guess i'll file a "feedback."

I noticed in the release notes that there is a bug for tableViewCell, about localization.

Xcode 11.1 Release Notes

Known Issues

UITableViewCell labels in storyboards and XIB files do not use localized string values from the strings file at runtime. (52839404)

So it is different problem, but could there be a similar root cause ?

Not sure, but this is very easy to reproduce. Just make a new project and drag out a stock UITableViewController, subclass it. Choose one of the provided cell styles. Return any number of rows you want from the number of rows method. Run the app, change the font size value and see dynamic type is completely broken on iOS 13. Run the same app on iOS 12 and it works as expected.

If any additional configuration is now required to opt in to dynamic type with a table view on iOS 13, it'd be nice if they documented it in the release notes.