Rejected - Guidelines 3.2

I have developed an app that allows Canadian government employees to purchase airfare at a reduced rate. It has been rejected several times, and I have no idea why. The strange thing is that I have published several other, almost identical apps to the store with no problem. The only difference is that they are meant for employees of other, non-government companies.

You can find the other apps I have posted with no issues by searching "NDC Solutions Apple Store" in Google. I would post a link, but then my thread will never be approved.

I am using a an image of the logo for the Government of British Columbiain the app, could that be the issue?

This is the response I keep receiving from Apple:

"During our review, we found that this app was designed for a specific business or organization and not for general distribution on the App Store. Business apps available on the App Store are meant for use by a wide variety of external customers around the world.

As this app is not intended for general distribution, it cannot be made available on the App Store. We encourage you to review the other ways to distribute your business app and choose one that better meets your business needs."

I told them in my appeal that the app is also usable by non-government employees. Does anyone know why this particular app keeps getting rejected? Thanks.


It seems you make contradictory statements:

app that allows Canadian government employees to purchase airfare at a reduced rate

using a an image of the logo for the Government of British Columbiain the app


app is also usable by non-government employees

Maybe useable but useless to non government users.

Hence, the reviewer advice seems appropriate, isn't it ?

I understand what you're saying. However, the app doesn't need to be useful to non-employees, just usable. That was the rationale which was followed in getting my other apps published. The other apps are just like the one I'm having problems with, however each one applies to employees of other, specific companies.

I think your question could be 'why did they approve my other apps and do you think they will reject those other apps when I make an update'. To that question I would answer - 'sometimes app review misses things and yes, you could get rejected when you make an update.' 'Useable but not useful' for non-employees does not satisfy minimum functionality 4.2.

I don't believe that this is the case, as the app does not just function as a "repackaged website" for Guest users. Which section of the minimum requirements are you referring to?

I was referring to your statement "the app doesn't need to be useful to non-employees, just usable......each one applies to employees of .....specific companies".

An app must be more than 'just useable' to the public. If the app is only 'useful' to employees of a particular company then, I was suggesting, it won't satisfy 4.2 "If your app is not particularly doesn’t belong on the App Store." But it is an interersting question. Clearly an app that is 'useful' only for people who live in Atlanta satisfies 4.2. But does an app that is 'useful' only for employees of J&J satisfy 4.2? I don't know. Since the route of the Enterprise program is available for such a J&J app, maybe it's not suitable for the App Store.

I also face same obstacle like this. I develop 2 apps belongs to one of government agency of Indonesia. One app is supposed to show both letter of business trip and verification of down payment and another app is supposed to show the business schedules. The apps usage is specifically targeted for their employee because they must use their employee ID to login into the each app.

My question is, why our previous app which is still same government agency can successfully submited into App Store even update but not for these apps? The previous app was uploaded by another developer work in different company so it's difficult to keep in touch with him. I only ask him to share the certificate belongs to government agency for uploading our apps into App Store Connect. The App Store reviewer also said that these apps are not intended for general distribution and they suggest me to review other distribute way as custom business app.

Because this is my first experience, anyone can assist and explain what does The App Store reviewer means with "review other way to distribute your business app"? Currently, the shared certificate status is registered as "Apple Developer Program". Is there another alternative way to distribute these app by general distribution? Based on The App Store reviewer statement, should I purchase new member "Enterprise Program" or replace "Apple Developer Program" to be "Enterprise Program" so able to be submitted into App Store? What is the advantage and disadvantage after do that?

Because based on "Benefit and Resources" table on this said that "Apple Developer Program" also Offering Custom Apps (number 13) and Distribution of Custom Apps to Your Employees (number 14) that occured in our previous app. I have replied their rejection but the answer from the App Store Viewer still same that these apps are not intended for general distribution and they suggest me to review other distribute way as custom business app.

Hence, I hope anyone can help me to assist and explain what should I do to solve this problem since this is also my first experience. Thank you for the attention.

The answer to "... the previous app was successfully submitted..." was simply "... they got lucky: app review missed it"

Apple is pushing for the Custom App method to distribute these "limited audience" applications. There is also the Enterprise Program that was present before it.

These are some of the notable differences between the two:

Custom App

  • Distribute to multiple entities.
  • Host binaries and assets on Apple's servers.
  • Target device need to be enrolled to MDM.
  • App is typically installed through the MDM's app directory.

Enterprise Program

  • Distribute to one entity.
  • Host the app and all of its assets on your own web server.
  • MDM optional, distribution certificate embedded inside app bundle which user need to approve at initial install.
  • App gets downloaded through a web page.

Refer to the link below for custom app distribution:

Whereas this one is for Enterprise distribution: