Edge/IE fails to load Apple's JavaScript

We noticed that the JavaScript pulled in as described in "Configuring Your Webpage for Sign In with Apple" uses nonstandard syntax (namely, spread operator for object literals). This is unsupported on Edge and IE browsers. (Compatability chart: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax). We haven't been able to find any mention of the issue in Apple's documentation or developer forum. Is this a known issue that Apple will address? Or are Edge and Internet Explorer browsers not supported for sign-in with apple?

Accepted Reply

This is a known issue. IE and Edge will be supported soon.


This is a known issue. IE and Edge will be supported soon.

Any updates on this? Specifically, the behavior I am seeing is that the CustomEvent constructor is being used but isn't supported in IE11. When I polyfill that behavior in I can get sign-in working but the popup doesn't close itself on success.