Xcode 10.2.1 interface builder error message Failed to automatically update constraints

So I am making a app. And am pretty far in the app. I was trying to add/update my constraints to a UIViewController and a UITableView with prototype cell. And I was adding constraints by using the "vary for traits". But when ever I tried to update constraints, add constraints, or reset to suggested constrints all automatically. an error message popped up.

error message

Failed to automatically update constraints

Interface Builder encountered an internal error while attempting to automatically update constraints. Your most recent change has been automatically reverted.

A folder of diagnostics files has been created. Please file a bug at https://bugreport.apple.com and attach an archive of the diagnostics folder.

This has never happened before and I have been using "vary for traits" for a year or 2 as my way of adding constraints and this has never happened. I have tried quitting xcode. restarting my computer. and stuff but that didnt help. I have also submitted an apple feedback message. But they havent responded. I have read online saying that i should delete the labels and stuff but like i said im pretty far in the project and cant afford to delete the progress on the storyboard. And for some reason it doesnt happen on any other project i have. And on this one project I had automatic constraints in place before using the "vary for traits" but the the error never happeneed. the error has been happening for a week now. And im out of ideas.

So my question is how do I stop the error message and make it normal again.


Seems they have corrected some of the problems in XCode 11.0, at least that's what the release notes state:

Improved the reliability of Auto Layout constraint generation with “Add Missing Constraints”. (43694622)