No iPhone in finder

Aftyer download catalina beta, and download ipws file beta ios 13 , mac not find iphone in the finder tried to restar mac ad iphone but nothing.....


Can you see the "Locations" section in the left sidebar of your Finder?

no can see onnly the nromal things, icloud and others section

Go to Finder > Prefrences > Sidebar and esnure that CDs, DVDs and iPods is checked

I have the same issue. I did check this option and got the follow behavior on the iphone (iOS 13 beta 2) plug in:

1. It shows for a second in the "Location" list as "?".

2. It detects as Iphone for another second.

3. It disappears totally from finder.

Reconnecting it to another port replies such behavior once more.

It fixes itself after macos restart.

I have the same issue. I have to restart my mac every time after I unplugged my iPhone.