Metal 2D Array Texture submission broken

This is a copy of the issue submitted at, but maybe other devs here will have knowledge on the subject.

I am using OpenVR 1.2.10 (non-beta) and SteamVR 1.3.19 on a 2016 MBP with AMD Radeon 580 eGPU.

Problem: When submitting 2D array textures, headset displays left eye texture index for both eyes.


OpenVR is supposed to allow for optimized 2D array texture submission on macOS since last year, but it is not working correctly for me.

I have successfully created and rendered my scene to a type2DArray Metal texture. To better observe the difference between the eyes, I'm only updating the projection transform for one of them.

fileprivate func updateCameras() {
  //stereoRenderer.leftEye.transform = SCNMatrix4Invert(SCNMatrix4Mult(leftEyePosition, hmdPose))
  // = leftEyeProjection
  stereoRenderer.rightEye.transform = SCNMatrix4Invert(SCNMatrix4Mult(rightEyePosition, hmdPose)) = rightEyeProjection

The resulting texture looks as I'd expect when debugging, with each index corresponding to left and right eye.

However, after submitting the texture to compositor:

+(void)submitTexture:(id)texture {
  vr::Texture_t textureDesc[2];
  vr::VRTextureBounds_t textureBounds[2];
  for (int i = 0; i<2; ++i) {
  textureDesc[i].handle = reinterpret_cast<void*>(intptr_t(texture));
  textureDesc[i].eType = vr::ETextureType::TextureType_Metal;
  textureDesc[i].eColorSpace = vr::EColorSpace::ColorSpace_Linear;
  textureBounds[i] = { .uMin = 0.0f, .uMax = 1.0f, .vMin = 0.0f, .vMax = 1.0f };
  vr::VRCompositor()->Submit(vr::Eye_Left, &textureDesc[0], &textureBounds[0]);
  vr::VRCompositor()->Submit(vr::Eye_Right, &textureDesc[1], &textureBounds[1]);

The problem is that all that I'm receiving in the headset (HTC Vive) is the same left eye texture displayed for both eyes. I can't display the trace for the submit either. All of the IVRCompositor entries just yield a blank view.

The textures have been allocated using:

   func makeVRSampleTexture(eyeSize: CGSize, hmdMode: Bool) -> MTLTexture? {
        let descriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor()
        descriptor.textureType = .type2DMultisampleArray
        descriptor.width = Int(eyeSize.width)
        descriptor.height = Int(eyeSize.height)
        descriptor.pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm_srgb
        descriptor.arrayLength = 2
        descriptor.sampleCount = 4
        descriptor.storageMode = .private
        descriptor.usage = [.renderTarget]
        return makeTexture(descriptor: descriptor)
    func makeVRTexture(eyeSize: CGSize, hmdMode: Bool) -> MTLTexture? {
        let descriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor()
        descriptor.textureType = .type2DArray
        descriptor.width = Int(eyeSize.width)
        descriptor.height = Int(eyeSize.height)
        descriptor.pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm_srgb
        descriptor.arrayLength = 2
        descriptor.storageMode = .private
        if hmdMode {
            descriptor.usage = [.renderTarget]
            return makeSharedTexture(descriptor: descriptor)
        } else {
            descriptor.usage = [.renderTarget, .shaderRead]
            return makeTexture(descriptor: descriptor)

Where the sampleTexture is used as a render target, and other one as a resolve target.

The Github issue posted at the start of the post has images related to the topic.