the app stuck in launch screen with xcode10.0 ,ios 11/12.0

after i pack my app into ipad mini4, i occur to a problem.(my test device is xcode 10.0 and ios12.0(ipad mini4)

the app will stuck in the launch screen in device, while the simulator works fine.

then i try to clear build project folder and cache data, the first time the app open successfully.

I close it and open again, this will still stuck in launch screen.

pls, how can i locate the problem and fix it?

the following is the log message of xcode when the app stucked in launch screen.

Failed to create remote object proxy:

[2090:452925] Failed to ping server after delegate was set

[Client] Discarding message for event 0 because of too many unprocessed messages

[Client] Discarding message for event 0 because of too many unprocessed messages


[Client] Discarding message for event 0 because of too many unprocessed messages


has anybody has same problem?