What does grayed width in Size Inspector Mean

When using Autolayout and looking at the Measurements Inspector for a Stack View, the width item in the View field is grayed but there is a constraint for width shown as well. I assumed that grayed out values ment that these values were implied by other constraints. With grayed width and an explicit width constraint this doesn't seem to be the case.

What exactly do grayed Size and Origin values mean in this context?


You mean Size Inspector I assume.

If the stackView is vertical, its width cannot be set in View firlds; it is automatically calculated (for horizontal stack, height is greyed out).

But you can set a constraint for width ; then the greyed out value will change.

Origin is the position in its superview (which may be a subView of the view of controller, maybe another stackView in which this stackView is embedded…)

The constraint for bordered with a dotted line. I guessed that ment that it was redundant, so I removed it. Things seem to still work.


Were you speaking of grayed values or grayed dotted lines ?