Enterprise Developer + Developer Account (Multiple accounts)


We already have an Apple Developer Program account for our company. However we need an Enterprise Program account next to it to distribute in-house applications.

Since we have our own Apple ID's connected to the Apple Developer program account, I have created a new Apple ID which we will use to enroll in the Enterprise Developer program. This needs to be done, since it's not possible to enroll with existing developer ID accounts in the Apple Enterprise program

Are there any issues and challenges, from a development perspective to be working with two seperate accounts on 1 development machine?

Since we will be working/developing with apps that are for public App Store distribution and with apps that are for Enterprise inhouse distribution. Is XCode able to handle this clearly?

What are your experiences in this matter, I am very curious to know.

Kind regards


macOS & Xcode generally have no problems juggling more than one dev account. The issues typically come from the individual's ability to keep more than one ball in the air.

If you, as an example, have trouble remembering which account you're working with, there are options, such as creating different macOS user accounts to keep the dev accounts separate, thereby forcing you to log in with another layer helping to demarcate your activity.