Can I confirm provision profile and production expirations from the app?

In the last week, two customer apps have stopped working, and the behavior resembles certificates/profiles expiring: app quits on launch and there is no longer any provision profile to accept. However, when I check these items I find:

- 2 producton certificates, one expiring May 2019 and the other May 2021.

- 9 provision profiles all dated between February and July of 2019.

We rebuilt one of the apps with the production certificate and the customer's provision profile and it worked as expected. I'm trying to determine if we need to proactively push out rebuilt apps to customers who only received new apps in the last few months.

Why would these apps behave like they have expired certs? can I check an app to confirm it has the proper certs?

Thanks in advance.



Copy the ipa file somewhere. Right-click, choose open with Archive Utility. This will crate a Payload folder. Open the folder, right-click on the file, choose Show Package Contents. Right-click on embedded.mobileprovision, choose Get Info. The Preview section will show the name of the distribution profile, followed by "Expires in...".

What matters is what certficate and profile were used when the app was created, not what certificates and profiles are available now.

EDIT: corrected spelling of Payload.

Or here is a github project that is a QuickLook provider to view the information from the .mobileprovision file. It shows you the creation date of the certificate as well as the distribution profile dates. I have no knowledge about the author, use at your own risk.

https : //

If you need to open a provisioning profile to see things like expiration date and time (our particular use case), you can open the .mobileprovision file with a text editor, like VSCode.