USB-C External Monitor

I just updated to Mojave beta 2 while my MBP w/TB was hooked up to an external monitor using HDMI (home setp up) and it worked fine.

When I hooked it up to the USB-C monitor at work, it woundn't register. Is anyone else have this issue?


Same issue here. Mojave beta 2 macbook pro 2018. some usb-c monitors don't work.

My LG 38" USB-C is not working on Beta 4 either. Doesn't even register as being connected in the System Report tool.

I am using the LG 4K with a 2018 MBP over USB-C without issue

I can also confirm that an issue occurs with my 2018 MacBook pro using TDM to my 2011 iMac. Rolling back to High Sierra doesn't fix the issue as it seems to be related to the firmware included with Mojave.

I have contacted support and the local senior guy has taken ownership over the job to escalate it. I suspect we'll see a fix in the next beta.

I'm seeing my LG 5K flicker occasionally after installing Mojave. Didn't see that in High Sierra.