iOS 12 beta - no SMS's sending

Can't send an SMS to a non iMessage user.

Get Failed to Send error.


I don’t have such issue. Both SMS and iMessage are working. I am using iPhone 8 Plus.

I can’t send group sms, regular sms works

Also curious what service provider do you have. I am on sprint

Same here. I am on Spark New Zealand and I am not able to send a normal SMS message, but iMessages work fine

I am on Optus and Telstra in Australia.

I did a manual restore to 12 and it didn’t fix the issue, but I did submit a bug report and I suggest you do the same. Hopefully this will be resolved in beta 2. So far everything else is fine

I switched SIM cards from different providers, sent a couple of SMS messages from those...then put my original SIM card back in and it made it work In the end.

Might try just removing my sim and adding it back since I don’t have another carrier sim

I can't send regular SMS either - Optus in Australia

I am also having the same issue. SMS gets a send failure, iMessage works just fine.

I've also noticed my "Send as SMS" button was disabled after the update (usually on because coworkers use "other devices"), but turning it on just caused the outbound messages to hang until I restarted the phone. I also attempted to reset network settings - this also did not work.

I have an iPhone 7, on Telus in Canada.

I was able to get it working, though I’m not sure for how long. I removed the SIM card, waited a minute, and put it back in. Others have said this is only a temporary fix, so we’ll see.

Had the exact same problem, using iPhone 6S here in Greenland. Network is TeleGreenland. When I took out the SIM and put it back in, it worked... Small bug to be fixed for sure.

I haven’t had any luck with removing and adding the SIM

Have similar issue. Taking SIM card out and replacing didn’t seem to help. Variation to original issue, though, is that my iMessage won’t activate. Stays “waiting for activation”. All iMessage send from email and don’t have option to send from phone number anymore. Can’t send MMS to non-iMessage users. Also cannot respond to group iMessage conversations with text or images. I’ve erased all contents and settings and still same. Sprint network

I had the same issue on an iPhone 7 plus

All I did was switched the network from 4G to 3G

My Service Provider does not support VoLTE, & I'm guessing may be that might have something to do with this as the 4G network here is used only for data transmission.