Storyboards in mac os X apps... is there a value proposition there?

developing a doc based mac app. it will never be an IOS app.

I could easily create a splitview, and immediately bind document level objects to document level data using Xibs, instead of Storyboards, but I decided to put some effort into learning storyboards, on the presumption that they are the way of the future for IB.

it's not so easy with storyboards, in fact it seems darned near impossible, to just bind to data in the document. This concept of a Segue, keeps uneccessarily getting in the way. And reading up on segues, is an excercise in futility. Everything is written from the perspective of IOS development. Hello? I do not have the limitations that would make an individual ViewController loaded at a time necessary or attractive. In fact, Interface Builder very happily helped my build a Split-view Interface, without complaint or warning inside a storyboard.

I have 2 views inside a parentView, and I can't set any outlets, nor reach any ViewControllers from the parent ViewController. Every single one of these controllers will be live at the same time, I can't control them, and the documentation jumps right to the conclusion that only one ViewController will be instanced at a time.

I'm sure there is a way. And I'm sure this thread will get snowed under with those solutions. But that's not the point. I am here to find out : Does it benefit me in any way to use Storyboards? Because I am well versed in using XIBs, and if Storyboards are really the wrong tool for Desktop apps, I'd rather just avoid them.


I have elected to use Storyboard for IOS app, but not for OSX apps, where I find it more a hinder than a help by now.

May be in the future it will bring more value, but today, I find it ill adapted to multi windows environment of MacOS where I want to keep full and easy control on the windows management.

Storyboards make showing popovers and windows easier. Create a segue to show the popover or window. With storyboards it's easier to do things like open the preferences window or open a preview window. There might be other benefits to using storyboards, but Apple provides no documentation or guidance on using storyboards in Mac apps so it's hard to determine what those benefits are.

In your case the pain of using split views with storyboards outweighs the benefits of using them.


I am new in xcode, but when you create the project you can deselect the storyboard option and MainMenu.xib appears in the left window.


yes you can. save yourself some pain: if you are writing a desktop app, _always_ deselect the storyboard option.