CoreML Keras Bidirectional LSTM export error

Hi there,

I'm getting a "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'" while converting a Keras model using a Bidirectional(LSTM) layer.

To give you more context information the model also use an Embedding layer with pretrained GloVe weights before the bidirectional layer and a final Dense layer with Softmax activation at the end.

Moreover I'm using LSTM instead of GRU as in my original model because I got a specific CoreML export error suggesting me to use LSTM (ValueError: Keras bi-directional wrapper conversion supports only LSTM layer at this time).

Everything works fine if I just use a mono directional LSTM, or even GRU, layer in the model.

Is there anyone using Keras Bidirectional layers succesfully with CoreMLTools ?




I have this issue, too, but with both an LSTM and a GRU. Were you able to solve or to make any progress on the issue?