




Hello! I’m having an issue with retrieving the trained weights from MLCLSTMLayer in ML Compute when training on a GPU. I maintain references to the input-weights, hidden-weights, and biases tensors and use the following code to extract the data post-training: extension MLCTensor { func dataArray<Scalar>(as _: Scalar.Type) throws -> [Scalar] where Scalar: Numeric { let count = self.descriptor.shape.reduce(into: 1) { (result, value) in result *= value } var array = [Scalar](repeating: 0, count: count) self.synchronizeData() // This *should* copy the latest data from the GPU to memory that’s accessible by the CPU _ = try array.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (pointer) in guard let data = else { throw DataError.uninitialized // A custom error that I declare elsewhere } data.copyBytes(to: pointer) } return array } } The issue is that when I call dataArray(as:) on a weights or biases tensor for an LSTM layer that has been trained on a GPU, the values that it retrieves are the same as they were before training began. For instance, if I initialize the biases all to 0 and then train the LSTM layer on a GPU, the biases values seemingly remain 0 post-training, even though the reported loss values decrease as you would expect. This issue does not occur when training an LSTM layer on a CPU, and it also does not occur when training a fully-connected layer on a GPU. Since both types of layers work properly on a CPU but only MLCFullyConnectedLayer works properly on a GPU, it seems that the issue is a bug in ML Compute’s GPU implementation of MLCLSTMLayer specifically. For reference, I’m testing my code on M1 Max. Am I doing something wrong, or is this an actual bug that I should report in Feedback Assistant?
Dec ’21
Picture-in-Picture with SwiftUI Video Player
I've been trying to implement picture-in-picture support with the SwiftUI VideoPlayer view that AVKit offers. By default, it seems, there's no option for picture-in-picture with the system playback controls, so I tried building a custom control as an overlay. Unfortunately, I couldn't get anything working. While AVPictureInPictureController.isPictureInPictureSupported() consistently returns true, the .isPictureInPicturePossible property always returns false, even though I've enabled the required background capability and configured the shared audio session properly. As a result, the .startPictureInPicture() method doesn't actually do anything. Strangely, none of the AVPictureInPictureControllerDelegate methods are ever called, even though my custom delegate instance is indeed properly configured. How can I implement picture-in-picture support with the SwiftUI VideoPlayer view? I'd prefer not to have to use AVPlayerViewController.
Dec ’20