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Hi,I'm trying to create an AR app based on ImageAnchor using RealityKit and RealityComposer.I created the application as follows.Create a scene for ImageAnchor with RealityComposerCreate swift source code (same as RealityKit template code) with XCodeIn the above case, the app behaves as follows:3D objects are displayed while the camera is capturing the image3D objects disappear when the camera leaves the imageI know that ARKit is able to keep tracking and display 3D objects even when camera leaves the image.How can I achieve this with Realitykit?ARView.automaticallyConfigureSession is true by default and I think it works with ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.In the case of ARWorldTrackingConfiguration, it was recognized to keep tracking and display 3D objects even when camera leaves the image.(I remember with SceneKit that it was working that way).I think that ARView.automaticallyConfigureSession is set to false and ARSession, configuration needs to be changed. However, I don't understand how the best practice is specifically to change.Please let me know how to do.
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I'm testing RealityKit app built by Xcode11 beta2 on Catalina beta2.I want to publish to App Store Connect for TestFlight internal member.But "Validate App" apeared popup error dialog. Error is below.App Store Connect Operation Error The app references non-public symbols in Payload/ _$s10RealityKit11LoadRequestCMa, _$s10RealityKit11LoadRequestCyxG7Combine9PublisherAAMc, _$s10RealityKit12AnchorEntityCAA12HasAnchoringAAWP, _$s10RealityKit12AnchorEntityCACycfc, _$s10RealityKit12AnchorEntityCMa, _$s10RealityKit12HasHierarchyPA2A6EntityCRbzrlE6parentAESgvg, _$s10RealityKit12HasHierarchyPA2A6EntityCRbzrlE8addChild_24preservingWorldTransformyAE_SbtF, ...Is this error means that RealityKit is non-public and cannot use TestFlight yet?I thought apple say that we can test beta app on TestFlight, isn't it?
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