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Hi, I've upgraded to Xcode 12.1 this week, and now all my builds fail with this error: "Failed to find newest available Simulator runtime" I have seen this issue reported in the beta, but apparently not fixed. I have tried several things as listed in this link I am seeing this issue on Xcode 12.2 using the default install of Jenkins. None of these solutions work, and the "manual run of the sh script" results in Jenkins not even being able to load at all. I am using a build command against a device (not a simulator) that looks like this: /usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme MyApp -workspace MyApp.xcworkspace -configuration Debug clean build DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=XXXXXXXXXX -allowProvisioningUpdates test -destination platform=iOS,id=theIDofADeviceNotASimulator This command runs fine when I run it from the command prompt of my regular admin console user, but not from jenkins. Jenkins is installed normally under it's own /users/Shared/Jenkins account. Also, I see that in the Xcode 12.2 release notes (I am on 12.1) there is still a "known issue" that says Simulators may not be available when running command-line tools like simctl or xcodebuild from a non-root LaunchDaemon, or when launching as a different user from the current user (for example, with sudo or launchctl). (62188195) - The issue seems to exist on the devices as well as the simulators.
by russ.gaia.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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This question has been asked several times with no answer. I even opened a ticket with Apple and got no info. How do I provide a list of all the content (movies, tv episodes) for universal search so that a tvOS user can use Siri to search for content and our content will appear? Why is this so secretive? How do I get my app on this list:
by russ.gaia.
Last updated