
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi I have an issue here. User will have a landing page displayed in their phone via CNA once user connected to Wifi. Inside the landing page there is a link that point to my app in Appstore. But when user click on the link, there is no response at all. I tried with normal browser like safari, it works, but not with CNA.
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4 Replies
Hi, My app is crashing while it is running on iOS 14 device, no issue for iOS 13 and below. I am using XCode 12.4 and I already did the "clean build folder" step, make sure the storyboard file is in the list of build phases and set the device target to iPhone and iPad The strange thing is it only happen during the app first time launch. I am getting below error:- Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'There doesn't seem to be a valid compiled storyboard at path '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/90C3F600-09FE-4A1B-934D-1B367B0AF61B/'' Can anybody help me on this? Thanks.
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