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2 Replies
Dear All,I have written a PWA which installs an icon when it loads first.The functionalites include offline storage using indexed db and camera.usage to upload photo.In chrome running in android, everything works fine.However in safari in iOS camera does not open when I lunch the app from the icon loaded into launcher screen.Similarly, it does not throw any meaningful error message either ! we tried to use web inspector to inspect the error , but the page when launched from launcher icon does not show up in web inspector.everything works fine when lunched from browser (online mode) . Please help us resolve this. below is a piece of code which we are using for camera <button className="btn btn_gray my-2" onClick={this.takePhoto.bind(this)} > Take photo{" "} takePhoto() { const { capturedImages, cameraHide, showaddimagesComponentScan } = this.props; let selectedPartNumber = this.props.selectedPartNumber; this.setState({ hidevedio: false }); const config = { sizeFactor: 1 }; let dataUri = this.cameraPhoto.getDataUri(config); this.setState({ dataUri }, () => { let _dataUri = this.state.dataUri; DB.InsertOrUpdate(DbConstant.tblImageTemp, { rowID: this.props.taskID, partNumber: this.props.partNumber, ImageURI: _dataUri }); }); // capturedImages.push({ partNumber: selectedPartNumber, imageURI: dataUri }); this.setState({ // capturedImages, cameraHide: false }); this.cameraPhoto .stopCamera() .then(() => { console.log("Camera stoped!"); }) .catch(error => { console.log("No camera to stop!:", error); }); }
by nibas.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Dear All,I got the access to my organizations' apple dev account (99$) recently. I figured out that the team agent privilege is with an ex employee who we are unable to contact. We have 5 administrators in this account, but unless the team agent transfers his rights to any of the administrators, we wont be able to take team agent rights for the account. The employee who took transition from the ex employee did not know about it, hence he only got an admin access to the apple dev account.without team agent rights, we wont be able to publish apps in app store, right ? we are able to publish testflight build though.Now the question is how to get team agent right to the account again ? Please educate us on different ways to recover this.Thanks and regards
by nibas.
Last updated