
Post not yet marked as solved
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We have a problem with curl. Under Big Sur, the command curl 'ftp://ftp.myserver/myPath/my File' -u 'myusername':'mypassword' properly downloads the file. Under Monterey, the same command throws an error: curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL Any advice, workaround etc. is highly appreciated. The behaviour is the same, whether the command is issued in Terminal, or as a shell script in a Applescript application created in XCode.
by maxwyss.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Please forgive the noob… In my user interface, built in IB, I have a tab view with three tabs. There are some fields existing on all tabs. When entering a value in one of these fields, it has to be passed to the other two as well. My attempt to do that is as it has been described, using controlDidChange. The field's action is delegated to it. The fields all have a correct referencing outlet specified. I am using this code:    on controlTextDidChange_(aNotification)     if aNotification's object() is rau_gros_res_val then       set rvlch to rau_gros_res_val's stringValue()       kau_gros_res_val's setStringValue_(rvlch)       uau_gros_res_val's setStringValue_(rvlch)     end if end Building is successful, but when I run it, and change the value in the field, I get this error message: ** -[AppDelegate controlTextDidChange:]: -[NSTextField object]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1006223b0 (error -10000) Am I doing something completely wrong on beginner's level? Or did I miss something obvious? Any hint, help, etc. is highly appreciated.
by maxwyss.
Last updated