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Now I'm working on developing iOS application which need the function of FTP client.And I'm looking for an available OSS(Library) of FTP client but couldn't find good one.Now I'm implementing the application with Swift4(XCode9.2, iOS11SDK)My requirements for the OSS are below:Support passive mode, FTPS, port select, make/remove folder, SSL Implicit mode(optional)Avoid deprecated API as far as possibleCurrently maintainedMIT or BSD LicenseIf you know other recommended FTP client OSS for iOS, please let me know.I'd appreciate if you would provide me helpful information.So far I've found the following OSS.[GoldRaccoon]<>I've tested FTP file upload with sample Application and it succeeded.No update for nearly 4 years.Has Deprecated API such as `CFWriteStreamCreateWithFTPURL`[rebekka]<>Written in Swift2Has Deprecated API such as `CFWriteStreamCreateWithFTPURL`I'm working on building for this OSS with Xcode9.2(Swift4). But it doesn't yet.[FileProvider]<>Written in Swift4 and maintained even now. But no sample application.I'm trying to create test application for this OSS. But it doesn't work yet.
by m.masa.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
I use PHPhotoLibrary in iOS to save JPG files to the camera roll. There is a difference in the date and time displayed in the "Photos" app depending on whether the 24-hour display setting in iOS is set to On or Off when saving. When saving with "24-hour display: Off", the date and time in the Exif of the JGP file is displayed. When saved with "24 Hour Display: On", the date and time when the file was saved is displayed. JPG files are saved with the following code. HPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges({ PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromImage(atFileURL: jpgFileUrl) }, completionHandler: { (success: Bool, error: Error?) in print("success=\(success), error=\(String(describing: error))") }) Is this an iOS specification or a bug? Or is there a problem with the code? I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some information. Thank you in advance.
by m.masa.
Last updated