
Post marked as solved
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Hi, We had AppClip in our app, but we eventually dropped support for that a couple of months ago. We even deleted the app id, and every provisioning profile and removed everything on the project regarding AppClip. For performance testing purposes, we archive our app and export an IPA with Development mode, in order to run a few tests on top of that., but with Release config/Scheme, and with the bundle we use on the AppStore. And we're having a weird issue that started happening recently: we cannot archive/export anymore using Development, because we have this codesign error: Error Domain=IDEProfileQualificationErrorDomain Code=8 "Provisioning profile "match Development" doesn't include the entitlement." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Provisioning profile "match Development" doesn't include the entitlement., IDEProfileQualificationError_RequiredEntitlements={ "application-identifier" = "$(AppIdentifierPrefix)"; "" = ( "", "" ); ... Basically, Xcode is complaining that we're missing the entitlements of something we don't have anymore. But there is not a single reference in our app about AppClips anymore, neither on developer portal's Provisioning Profiles. We had this appid for the old app clip, but we don't have anymore "", I'm afraid this could be some metadata that it's still on AppStoreConnect. Are we missing any step towards complete removal of AppClip? Or do we have to embrace that once you put an app clip, you cannot run away of its appid? Thanks. Note: we use fastlane match to handle all certificates and provisioning profiles.
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