
Post not yet marked as solved
20 Replies
Hi there,I can't seem to access the Users And Access menu and there is an error box appeared saying:"There was an issue while retrieving your team members. Please try your request again."There is literally an error in the Ajax request when I try to listen to the network via browser developer tools to get the Users List from the site to the AppStore Connect API. Saying{ "errors" : [ { "id" : "akdlad;lkasdlkasd;lkasdlkas", "status" : "400", "code" : "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title" : "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail" : "'provider' is not a valid relationship name", "source" : { "parameter" : "include" } } ]}I believe there is an error on the AppStore Connect website that leads to this.I tried the following:-Using other browsers.-Using other ItunesConnect IDs.And all of those efforts give me the same results.
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Post not yet marked as solved
19 Replies
As titled, when I open my project with XCode 11.4 like most of my IBOutlets that was already connected before and autorenamed when creating the variable name are like shown as it's own generic class name instead. I'm sure the previous version of XCode did autorename the uiview to the variable name unless it's overriden by we manually giving them names via interface builder, if not the the views would use a converted convention name from the IBOutlet variables connected. Is there any way to solve the issue and make the were previously renamed uiviews shown the name again? The project is heavily built with .xib and losing the previously autorenamed name is actually quite painful to explore again.
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