
Post not yet marked as solved
16 Replies
Hi Apple Developers,I'm facing a very bad issue because I read so many guides and tutorials and nothing works.The result is always the same: {"error":"invalid_client"}I get the code, identityToken and everything I need - except the call to - because of invalid_client.Here is my url for getting the code. then I have the default workflow.And after accepting / loggin in I will be redirected to my page. I'm using the JavaScript API I'll get other informations like state, code and id_token. I already tried it with the "code" there, too.)Back to the main function.This is my request for Apple. 'client_id' => 'org.example.service', 'client_secret' => JWT-Data encoded (OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256) see below 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => 'a277243e2ec324fb09ba1c3333a8e6576.0.abcde.u4xiTDP2qHXoNEaxrcrIGx'JWT Header:{ "alg": "ES256", "kid": "1ABC2345DE" }JWT Payload:{ "iss": "1A234BCD56", "iat": 1571269964, "exp": 1571273564, "aud": "", "sub": "org.example.service" }Response:{ "error": "invalid_client" }The useless error message of the world.I dont know why the client should be invalid.I have a key in with downloaded file name AuthKey_1ABC2345DE.p8. (means 1ABC2345DE is my key id)Then I have a native iOS app with identifier "org.example" and a service with identifier "org.example.service".Its not working with both ids and mixed different things.Nothing. invalid_client.Can anyone help me please? I'm sitting here for hours and getting only invalid_client 😭
by Paedy.
Last updated