
Post not yet marked as solved
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We have begun implementing Sign in with Apple in our mobile app but cannot seem to call the token endpoint successfully ( The response we get is 400 with the body [{"error":"invalid_client"}]. I have read and re-read the details on how to generate the client-secret. We are using a java backend and specifically the nimbus library to create the signed JWSHeader clientSecretHeader = new JWSHeader.Builder(JWSAlgorithm.ES256) .keyID("7N5XJ*****") .build(); final Date issuedAtTime = Date.from(; final Date expirationTime = Date.from(; final JWTClaimsSet clientSecretClaims = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder() .issuer("HL46P*****") .issueTime(issuedAtTime) .expirationTime(expirationTime) .audience("") .subject("") .build(); final ECPrivateKey signingKey = ...private key loaded from p8 file...; final JWSSigner jwtSigner = new ECDSASigner(signingKey); final SignedJWT clientSecretJwt = new SignedJWT(clientSecretHeader, clientSecretClaims); clientSecretJwt.sign(jwtSigner); MultiValueMap<string, string=""> map= new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); map.add("grant_type", "authorization_code"); map.add("client_id", "HL46P*****"); map.add("client_secret", clientSecretJwt.serialize()); map.add("code", "code receiged from app..."); final HttpEntity<multivaluemap<string, string="">> request = new HttpEntity<>(map); final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplateBuilder().build(); final ResponseEntity response = response = restTemplate.postForEntity( "", request, GetTokenResponse.class );The resulting JWT looks like the following:Header{ "kid": "7N5XJ*****", "alg": "ES256" }Claims{ "aud": "", "sub": "", "iss": "HL46P.....", "exp": 1585583898, "iat": 1585580298 }I am out of ideas on what we are doing wrong.
by Bimish.
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