Infinite Loop UINavigationController loading root view

After I call performSegueWithIdentifier from didSelectRowAtIndexPath, A show detail segue is triggered which is linked (in storyboard) to a UINavigationController. The viewDidLoad and viewWillApper is called in the nav controller, but the app goes into an infinite loop (100% cpu) before the viewDidLoad of the nav controller's root view controller (a UIViewController also linked through storyboard) is called.

Thank you for your time. Any ideas of why this is happening or how to debug this would be appreciated.


I saw this happening in my project as well. I started deleting subviews until it worked again, and noticed that UITextViews I had were the issue. I narrowed it down to having a UITextView that had < 10 characters in it. By clearing out the text, or by setting the text to a string with 10+ characters, the problem went away. I've submitted a bug report regarding that issue.

We had the same issue with text in a UITextView of less than 10 characters. I changed it to a UITextField and it worked, but have since confrmed it is the length of the text that was the issue.