Storyboard global tint not shown properly

I've defined a custom Color Set and applied it to global tint of the storyboard.

But after reopening the project it seems to be not found (link below)

That's not it yet. If i set global tint again to custom one it will work correctly (note here: git not showing any global tint change when setting it) until the next relaunch of the project, which will end up having same issue (2nd image)

Meanwhile, applied global tint works as expected in my app

Can anybody please explain the nature of this behaviour?

Thank you


What do you apply the global tint to ? A VC ? The storyboard ?

I can apply to a viewController, but I did not dinf how to apply to the whole storyboard.

I applied a custom color to a VC, closed the project, reopened. The custom color was still there…

Could you explain in detail what you do to get the problem ?