LaunchImage doesn't support of the 11-inch iPad Pro

I use Launch Images Source to set up Launch Image, but there is no support for 11-inch iPad Pro in "Assets. xcassets - > Launch Image" Unlike other 1.333, 11-inch iPad Pro has a screen ratio of 1.43165... Please add support for 11-inch iPad Pro . Thank you.

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The current documentation (especially HIG) isn't very clear on this subject. For a while, we've been giving this guidance:

DO use launch storyboards.

DO reduce your launch screen complexity to what can be achieved using launch storyboards that adapt to all device sizes.

DO NOT use launch images.

I strongly recommend that you start following that guidance now. It's not just that Xcode doesn't support setting launch image sizes for new hardware, but that your app won't run "natively" on new iPad Pros unless you use a launch storyboard. (If you do not, you'll see some letterboxing.)

I also recommend that, if there are features you think are missing from launch storyboards, you file bug reports asking for what you want. (Motivating use cases are often more convincing than individual feature requests.) While I can't promise anything, I will say that we're listening to what you say.


>LaunchImage doesn't support of the 11-inch iPad Pro

LaunchStoryboard does.

For new devices/Xcode/your example, devs are now encouraged to use a launch storyboard, not a launchImage.